Why Choose
Advisors Clique Collective

Advisors Clique Collective fuels your growth and success. Learn, develop, and thrive in our supportive environment with clear goals and open communication. Focus on your strengths with our streamlined processes and leadership that values you. Join us and grow with us!

Our Milestones

Frame 30
Founding of Advisors' Clique upon Colin Ong's promotion to Director
Group 2487
$2 Million Dollar Agency Award​
Group 2463
First Agency to move into Nankin Row Unit ​
Group 2481
First Agency to move into Great Eastern Centre ​
Group 2486
$10 Million Dollar Agency
Promoted 15 Directors
Group 2483
Only Agency group to own a full set up gym and fitness centre with a dedicated professional trainer ​
Mask group (17)
1st group in GE history to achieve more than 200 MDRT members​
Group 2488
$35 Million Dollar Agency

Crossing 1000 manpower
Frame 29 (2)
1st group in GE history to achieve IDA100 award for more than 3 years consecutively
Frame 26
Occupies 35,000 sq ft of office space and AC Hub

Extraordinary League of Achievement Award for promoting 40 directors

ACC Brands

Together we achieve more

We're a group of passionate financial consultants, brought together by different directors under the ACC brand. This unique structure allows us to combine the strength of a united front with the opportunity for each advisor to flourish individually.

Director's Tree

Director's Tree

AC Directors Tree


Colin Ong

Executive Senior Director


The ACC Support

We offer a unique combination of extensive support and individual growth opportunities, empowering you to thrive as a financial advisor.

Our latest achievements.


MDRT Qualifier


IDA Qualifier


Great Eastern Achievers

Great Eastern EP & EEP Awardee.

To be an Entre Planner (EP) means being among the top 1.2% of Great Eastern, while an Executive Entre Planner (EEP) denotes being in the top 0.6%. . We take great pride in having 11 out of 61 EPs and 15 out of 32 EEPs from Advisors' Clique.

Great Eastern EP & EEP Awardee.

To be an Entre Planner (EP) means being among the top 1.2% of Great Eastern, while an Executive Entre Planner (EEP) denotes being in the top 0.6%. . We take great pride in having 11 out of 61 EPs and 15 out of 32 EEPs from Advisors' Clique.

Great Eastern EP & EEP Awardee.

To be an Entre Planner (EP) means being among the top 1.2% of Great Eastern, while an Executive Entre Planner (EEP) denotes being in the top 0.6%. . We take great pride in having 11 out of 61 EPs and 15 out of 32 EEPs from Advisors' Clique.

IDA (International Dragon award)

今年是Advisors’ Clique第四年荣获百人团队的殊荣。 誠心恭賀Advisors’ Clique及創辦人王良仁先生,恭賀他們在2023年申請完成世界級保險經營團隊最高殊榮 – 國際龍獎IDA百人團隊, 是大東方人壽系統內第一支IDA百人團隊,王良仁先生率領800位優秀財務顧問,創造出這世界歷史紀錄。

IDA 百人團隊是全球金融保險業最具規模 、最優秀的象徵, 代表團隊的高度視野與格局,也象徵團隊的高專業性與凝聚力,體現出團隊高素質、 高績效、 高執行力, 更彰顯出團隊不畏困, 持續向極限挑戰的能力。

IDA (International Dragon award)

今年是Advisors’ Clique第四年荣获百人团队的殊荣。 誠心恭賀Advisors’ Clique及創辦人王良仁先生,恭賀他們在2023年申請完成世界級保險經營團隊最高殊榮 – 國際龍獎IDA百人團隊, 是大東方人壽系統內第一支IDA百人團隊,王良仁先生率領800位優秀財務顧問,創造出這世界歷史紀錄。

IDA 百人團隊是全球金融保險業最具規模 、最優秀的象徵, 代表團隊的高度視野與格局,也象徵團隊的高專業性與凝聚力,體現出團隊高素質、 高績效、 高執行力, 更彰顯出團隊不畏困, 持續向極限挑戰的能力。

IDA (International Dragon award)

今年是Advisors’ Clique第四年荣获百人团队的殊荣。 誠心恭賀Advisors’ Clique及創辦人王良仁先生,恭賀他們在2023年申請完成世界級保險經營團隊最高殊榮 – 國際龍獎IDA百人團隊, 是大東方人壽系統內第一支IDA百人團隊,王良仁先生率領800位優秀財務顧問,創造出這世界歷史紀錄。

IDA 百人團隊是全球金融保險業最具規模 、最優秀的象徵, 代表團隊的高度視野與格局,也象徵團隊的高專業性與凝聚力,體現出團隊高素質、 高績效、 高執行力, 更彰顯出團隊不畏困, 持續向極限挑戰的能力。

For 2023, Advisors Clique are proud to have 217 MDRT , 19 COT and 5 TOT. r

Founded in 1927, Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) is a global, independent association of the world's leading life insurance and financial services professionals. It is a standalone association of the world’s top-selling insurance agents and financial services professionals.

For 2023, Advisors Clique are proud to have 217 MDRT , 19 COT and 5 TOT. r

Founded in 1927, Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) is a global, independent association of the world's leading life insurance and financial services professionals. It is a standalone association of the world’s top-selling insurance agents and financial services professionals.

For 2023, Advisors Clique are proud to have 217 MDRT , 19 COT and 5 TOT. r

Founded in 1927, Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) is a global, independent association of the world's leading life insurance and financial services professionals. It is a standalone association of the world’s top-selling insurance agents and financial services professionals.